5 Energy Markets That Will Help You Thrive In 2011!

5 Energy Markets to boost your portfolio…5 Energy markets that will help you thrive in 2011…Can these 5 hot Energy markets make you rich? How about crude oil? Yes, we are again hearing that crude oil prices might be crossing the $100-120 per barrell mark in the next few months. No one knows. But energy drives the global economy and crude oil is the major source of energy in the global economy. As this finite natural resource dwindles and gets exhausted, its prices will skyrocket until and unless some alternative source of energy is discovered. Remember BP? Are BP stocks worth investing? You need to watch this short video on the different energy markets by Adam Hewison. He will be talking about solar energy as well as wind energy. As crude oil prices start climbing again, everyone will start talking about investing in alternative energy sector like the solar and the wind power.

This is the best time to position yourself for these hot energy markets. Adam Hewison, President of INO.com, Co-founder of MarketClub: In today’s short video I’m going to show you some of the markets that I’m looking at in the energy complex. We’re going to be looking at coal, oil, solar and some other large energy companies and ETF’s.

As this is a short video, be sure to check in and watch our webinar this Thursday, January 20th at 4pm EST/9pm GMT. You will need to reserve a spot as tour webinars typically reach capacity quickly. Register here for this weeks webinar: As always all webinars are free to attend.

Take a look at what we will be covering in the webinar and check out our new portfolio manager which we will be using extensively throughout today’s video. We also have a big surprise which will be announced at the webinar and I have no doubt that you will like. Today’s video requires no registration and is free to watch: I look forward to sharing ideas with you at our webinar this Thursday.